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Five Key Benefits of Having a 3-Way Thermal Bypass Valve

Five Key Benefits of Having a 3-Way Thermal Bypass Valve
Five Key Benefits of Having a 3-Way Thermal Bypass Valve

What is a thermal bypass valve?

A thermal bypass valve is a critical component in a hydraulic circuit that regulates the hydraulic oil temperature. This self-actuated 3-way valve decreases the warm-up time and reduces backpressure on the return line. The integral wax-based thermostat inside the valve controls the fluid temperature in order to maintain the optimum viscosity that will extend the pump life, reduce bypass leakage and prevents cavitation. Proper temperature control ensures the system quickly reaches optimum temperature and maintains that setpoint during normal operation.

3-way thermal bypass

AMOT has been manufacturing thermostatic bypass valves since 1948, and we have a comprehensive range of valves that can operate at flow rates between 1gpm -2800 gpm. These bypass valves can handle a wide range of lubricants that are used in engines, compressors, turbines, hydrostatic drive circuits, hydraulic power units and many other industrial applications.

The self-regulating thermostatic valves utilize a wax-based actuator diverts the flow without the need for electronic sensors or PID controls. However, we also offer a line of electric and pneumatic actuated 3-way valves for applications that require more sophisticated controls.

The five key benefits to having a thermal bypass valve include:

5 Key Benefits

  • Reduces stress/wear and tear on your equipment
  • Minimizes warm-up times
  • Regulates fluid temperature
  • Assists equipment in maintaining sufficient lubrication
  • Can be installed in any orientation for ease of installation

Amot offers two types of 3-way temperature control valves. They are:

  • Thermostatic Control Valves which internally senses and controls the fluid temperature without the need for electronic sensors or controllers
  • Electric or Pneumatic Actuated Control Valves which use an externally mounted probe to sense temperature fluctuation.

Both are suited for applications that require mixing fluids of two different temperatures or for diverting fluids to a cooler, heat exchanger or radiator.

To learn more about AMOT’s various products, click here or contact us at +(281) 407-9125

July 11, 2022 1964 view(s)
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