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Positive Air Intake Shut Off Valves

Air Intake Shutoff Valves

The only proven, reliable method to stop diesel engine runaway

While some companies implement safety protocols to prevent diesel engine runaway, automatic air intake shutoff valves are the only reliable method to stop an engine once it has begun to overspeed. These devices work by completely blocking the engine’s air intake system, effectively cutting off the external fuel source and the air required to keep the engine running.

AMOT has an extensive range of fully automatic and manual air intake shutoff systems designed to fit engines of all sizes. For help choosing the system that best fits your application, view our selection guide.





AMOT has an extensive range of fully automatic and manual air intake shutoff systems designed to fit engines of all sizes. These devices work by completely blocking the engine’s air intake system, effectively cutting off the external fuel source and the air required to keep the engine running.
